Thursday, December 20, 2012

Embrace your inner selfishness...

... That's what MoMa said to me?! (He's the boyfriend of the best friend, Sis / Rachel). 

"It's Christmas!! Yay! I'm going to want this tangible good so that He/She can buy it for me for Christmas!!" 

Today, I found myself saying "I don't want anything & I don't need anything" and really meaning it. I was stressing out over what ideas to give them for my Christmas gift!! Haha. I don't want to force myself to find pretty things just for the sake of telling someone to give it to me for a Christmas gift. 

"Embrace your inner selfishness"
My 'inner selfishness' includes wanting to be happy. Being with my loved ones, seeing their smiles and hearing them laugh will make me happy. That's what I want =). 

I'm a lucky girl. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012


For my birthday this year, I treated myself to "Escapism". Dramatic, I know, but it really was. It went beyond the depths of my imagination and into my reality =). Fun! I had an amazing time to say the very least, with wonderful company and happy adventures. Shan't share with words! Snapshots are much better =). Enjoy!!

For more, click here =)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

What now?

Friends and family are telling me that I'm being Unfair. Why? Because I haven't got a FaceBook account! They want to see photos, they want to keep up with what I'm doing, FB is easier to organise events and invite everyone blah blah blah blah blah. The list goes on.

Well, Family and Friends, sorry to put you all at an inconvenience because now you have to pick up the phone/text to invite me to your birthday party, or now there won't be that hot picture of you up in my Photo library, now your photo count has gone down, or even worse, I can't give you a life on Bubble Witch Saga / Candy Crush and you have to wait 30 minutes before you can start playing again AND God forbid me I cannot "Like" that strongly opinionated Status you have just put up!!! *and breathe*. But don't worry.. you all have my email / number, and, now, for the sake of sharing pictures and my crazy shenanigans, you have my blog link. I promise I will post all the gorgeous photos of you on here (if I choose to *wink*wink*) and at the absence of my "Like" on your strongly opinionated statuses, I can post those here too =D.

xRachel Joy