Sunday, March 24, 2013

Wrong Side of a Love Song

If you follow me on Tumblr, you'd have seen my new video post =).
I'm trying to have fun with my singing. It used to be my favourite thing to do, and I guess, that's because I was doing it all the time. Every weekend for most of my childhood. And then, I grew older and somehow allowed others to get to me. I suddenly cared about what everyone thought about me on stage. I lost my confidence and then for years and years, it wasn't fun anymore. Well, that's changed. I'm having fun again =) Even if it's just in my living room. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Red Boots & Blue Dress

365 days ago, I put on my red boots and a blue dress. I walked out into the rain and spent the entire day exploring London, with my best friend. Attached to a slab of communication, she queried the newfound smile, but, I was in denial of a truth that has now brought me to where I am now. Isn't it ironic? What would be of my today if I hadn't worn that smile that was a mixture of denial and a happiness that would evolve?
Red Boots.
Blue Dress.

= An Opened Door to a destination I don't know where. 


Home Sweet Home

4 weekends ago, I moved into my own place. I'm still getting used to the quietness I'm greeted by every morning; not hearing my parents have a laugh (or a bicker) on a Sunday morning, not being called down for breakfast, not being shouted at because my alarm is going on for like forever. But everyday, it feels more and more like home: My home =).  If there's one thing I've learnt over the past few years - it's not possible to love anyone else if you're not able to put yourself first, and learn to love you. So this year, the focus is on Me. That way, my loved ones can have the best version of me.


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Danke Berlin....

… for giving us a memorable City weekend! Our 2012 getaway – Barcelona. 2013, brought us to Berlin. Two very different cities. Extreme opposites – the weather, the tourism, the history, the buildings, the culture.. everything! But Berlin gave us nothing short of an amazing holiday. It’s a great city. It’s not glamorous, no. But it’s full of personality, history – it’s like having hundreds of paintings on a gigantic canvas and you could just stare at it trying to figure out interpretations of whatever you wish. If you ever visit Berlin, do your research because there isn’t really a certain area where it’s all going down. I like to enjoy a city the way it’s locals would, and Berlin forces you to do that.

Thank you to my wonderful Sis and Holly. I have yet to experience a dull moment with you both. Laughter = Us. Ich Liebe Dich girlies! Berlin, Ich werde dich vermissen (‘Berlin, I will miss you’ – according to Google Translate =P..)

Photos of our adventures… here. <3

xFreschen Milken