Friday, January 4, 2013

2013: SMART

Old or new, we choose to wear the shoes we walk in. Whether we choose to make the most of them and get comfortable in them no matter how many "wears" that might be, or, put them away in our shoe closet simply because we can't stomach the blisters on our feet after just a couple of wears - it's up to us; our choice. (Yes, this post is long. If you can't be bothered to read it, skip to the last paragraph, or don't. Or if you do, maybe read the next one then skip to it lol please don't).

Like many other challenges, I find that New Year's Resolutions are just like that. We have great intentions when we get acquainted with the ideas and goals we want to set, but very often, we give up and put those goals away, somewhere in our inner closets. With myself, I feel that's why I gave up with setting 'resolutions' because in my opinion (not now of course - that would make this post pointless) they became excuses to giving up. Don't get me wrong, I did set myself goals most years, but they were more general ones. Ones that didn't really need to be assessed.

This year, as a 'carry-forward' from an eventful 2012, I am bursting to make sure I expand my personal horizons, no matter how big or little they might be - I am at a point where I am motivated to finally stop procrastinating (I'm pretty sure I've said that before, but this time I really mean it! Promise. I will prove it in time lol. Ironic) and start doing the things I love to do. 

I'm sure some genius in this Universe has scientifically proven (not just stated) that Happiness makes us the Better versions of Ourselves, and in return we are better not only for ourselves but for everyone we love, and BOOM! the world is a better place (even if only in my vicinity which isn't large because I'm 5 foot nothing... or am I?.. *did you hear my tone of voice?*). THAT'S WHAT I WANT. To be the best version of ME that I can be for everyone I love and care for. A person cannot do that unless they have found happiness within them (haha, I make myself sound like I'm so not happy. I am! I promise!). 
In Short - It's time to look after myself, and do the things I love to do. For some reason, I've always held back. (Everything I said before this - is relevant! I could go on, but I don't want to bore you. 'You' -- assuming someone is actually reading this)

I'm serious about this =D. With the help of Sis, together we will make sure our goals and achievements are worked towards and are SMART. We have set our "resolutions" and have applied them to being 'SMART'. How cute is this -- we're going to assess accordingly with 'Time' and assess more specifically on a Quarterly basis - boardroom type meetings, except in cute coffee shops like Ozone in Shoreditch (CUTE! For those of you who think we're sad... I put my hand in your face. Lol)

Most bloggers, I've seen, list their goals and resolutions. I'm not going to do that (not just yet anyway). I read somewhere, with regards to what we want "Keep it private. You do not need to share this with others; manifesting works best when you keep it private". I guess it refers to external noise, such as negativity and lack of faith in what you want - I totally get this. But no worries, throughout the year, my achievements will be shared with you. In more ways than one. I will keep this blog updated. The resolutions might not be shared entirely, but the outcomes will be. :)

This year, I wear the same shoes I wore last year, except this time, I am and will always find comfort in them, and further more we will be walking more paths than ever (If Sis gets her way with me, that would also be literally speaking. She asked that 'We' do more exercise this year. In dismay I told her to suck it. Lol.)
Good Luck to Me, Sis and Everyone in this whole wide Universe who have set personal goals. 2013 is magical. I'm psychic and know this.

x'Hyper at 1am on a School night' Racheljoy-ful

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